Vol. 11/2,  date 2004-07-15
ISSN 1618-1646

Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,

The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association. The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically and is also available in the internet at


The ICEIMT series of conferences 1992, 1997 and 2002 was originally started as a strategic initiative of the United States and the European Union to harmonise research activities on enterprise integration, to build consensus on relevant contents and terminology and to make recommendations to industry and research.
Reminder: The ICEIMT will be held on October 09-11, 2004 in Tornonto, Canada Find more details on
The INTEROP Collaborative Platform ( is implemented using ZOPE/PLONE, an Open Source Content Management System and offers:
Thereby it supports joint research, exchange of specific knowledge produced by network members and provides knowledge dissemination to the public. The platform contains newsletters, presentations, reports from past and upcoming events as well as project items like the Knowledge Map, reports from group activities, discussions and performance indicators. The knowledge volume is continuously enlarged, and more functionalities will be added.

BPMDS (The fifth Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support). This workshop was devoted to Business Process Modelling (BPM) and Business Process Support (BPS) systems with the specific theme being the creation and maintenance of fit (or misfit) between the BPS system view and the business processes.

EMOI - INTEROP 2004 (Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability). This workshop contained both papers from INTEROP Workpackages as the Knowledge Map, the Common Enterprise Modelling Framework UEML 2.0 and Ontology based integration as well as invited complementing papers.

EMMSAD'04 (Evaluation of Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design). The workshop focussed on evaluating and enhancing current information modeling methodologies and on evolutions in analysis, design and development of information systems.

WISM'04 (Web Information System Modelling). This workshop addressed the challenges to integrate data and data formats coming from different sources e.g. to support the conversion of data from legacy data to universal interchange formats like XML.

The other four workshops addressed requirements engineering,foundations of software quality, ubiquitous mobile information and collaborating systems.
The workshop proceedings have been published by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga University, ISBN 9984-9767-x-y. The proceedings of the CAiSE Conference have been published by Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-22151-4. For more information visit
ISO TC184 SC5/WG1 Modelling and Architectures, Paris, 2004-04-19/21 on Standards for Enterprise Integration and Interoperability. The meeting was attended by 9 people representing 6 countries: China, Germany, France, Japan, UK, USA. D. Chen and K. Kosanke reported on the EU Initiatives in the 6th Framework Programme ATHENA and INTEROP. Both initiatives are working on interoperability with the ATHENA Integrated Project (IP) involved in technical, more implementation oriented work and the Network-of-Excellence (NoE) initiative INTEROP focusing on joint research. Special emphasis in both initiatives is on dissemination to standardisation bodies.
A new work item on interoperability, the NWIP (New Work Item Proposal) for Interoperable Process Modelling Standard: has been launched. The discussion on the content of a potential standards revealed a dependency on the two EU initiatives ATHENA and INTEROP, the potential project leader K. Kosanke to establish contact and report on results at the next WG1 meeting in Toronto, 2004-10-12/14.

IEC/SC 65A-ISO/TC 184/SC 5/JWG 15, convenor Dennis Brandl, held a meeting in Bordeaux on June 2004-06- 16-18, with 10 participants from 5 countries: USA, France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Objective of the meeting was to 1) Develop a draft work item for 62264-3, and prepare comments for the ISA 95 Part 3 final voting, 2) Review Draft 17 of ISA S95-3 and 3) Examine the dissemination efforts and the status of liaisons of JWG15 with other organisations.
Major Actions: Produce a White Paper on usability and implementation benefits of 62264. Draft a section and an Annex concerning the Decisional Reference Model. Establish liaisons with the World Batch Forum and with the European projects ATHENA-IP and INTEROP-NoE. Develop a paper to establish use of SC4 definitions (e.g. resource, raw material, equipment) with IEC 62264 definitions. Next JWG15 meeting: 2004-11-17/19 at NEMA in Washington DC, USA. For more information contact Dennis Brandl, dnbrandl

Publication Reviews

J. Wagner, K. Schwarzenbacher, Föderative Unternehmensprozesse (Federated Business Processes), Technologies, Standards and Perspectives of Network Systems, (in German, English translation considered).The authors understand federated business processes as a concept to organise contract-based co-operations between independent organisations. A key advantage of the concept is the hiding of the internal structure and knowledge of the individual processes from the participating organisations. The book with its focus on technologies for interoperation, provides a good source of information on the current state of the art, providing a short outlook on the future as well. The authors present a range of core concepts for modelling, implementing and monitoring business processes. Related products and standards are identified. Publisher: Siemens, Publicis Corporate Publishing, Erlangen, 2004, ISBN 3-89578-231-9,