

IS 15704: Requirements for Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodologies, ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1, 1999

This standard attempts to place the concepts used in methodologies and reference architectures such as ARIS, CIMOSA, GRAI/GIM, IEM, PERA and ENV 40003 within an encompassing conceptual framework that allows the coverage and completeness of any such approach to be assessed. It draws heavily on the work of the IFAC/IFIP Task Force on Enterprise Integration and previous work from Purdue University (Specification and requirements for GERAM, PLAIC 159 v1.1, November 1995 and Handbook on Master Planning and Implementation for EI program[me]s, PLAIC 160, June 1996). The conceptual framework is textual and relatively informal. It does not provide a basis for actual implementations and requires real understanding of the field to apply.

Intended audience: primarily those enterprise modelling specialists who are concerned with assessing the suitability of a methodology for their needs.

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